DJI Robotomaster S1 was designed for children between 8 and 12 years to learn to program. This educational robot is revolutionary and will help all learners reach their potential. The S1 provides a deep understanding of science, mathematics, programming, and other topics, thanks to DJI’s annual DJI RoboMaster contest.

Robomaster is equipped with sensors that allow them to detect objects around them and avoid them when it moves. It is highly maneuverable, with flexible and complex wheels enabling it to drive sideways and move at high speeds. What’s more? This robot is more similar to the type of drone that soldiers and bomb squads use. The robot even comes with a cannon, which shoots tiny gel pellets. It can also take images and high definition 

The humanoid robot’s advanced intelligence system includes three processors and 12 sensors. It has a microphone, speaker, camera, and microphone that can be used for voice recognition and video chat. The Robomaster S1 is a great companion to learning programming and can also be used as an instructional tool.

How does the DJI Robomaster assist children with STEM subjects?

The DJI Robomaster S1 drone is the latest in STEM education. Students and teachers in STEM education can use the DJI Robomaster S1. It is an excellent tool for educators to teach STEM subjects such as engineering and math through an engaging experience.

An Intel Edison board powers the robot, providing the computing power necessary for its sensors and motors. The board can be connected to a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ using a USB cable. This allows for communication between both devices. You can access the entire S1 experience with the DJI RoboMaster App for iOS and Android.

The RoboMaster S1 does not have a physical controller so the app allows you to access all settings and controls, as well battle and coding modes. You can navigate the car as if it were your own or play a VR game.

The RoboMaster S1 can even recognize people within the frame, and use computer vision technology to follow them around. We now have a better idea of the DJI RoboMaster S1 and can look at the features that make it one of the most popular STEM toys.

An Insightful Review On DJI Robomaster S1 Unique Features

Motor with high-performance capacity

The S1 is equipped with a modified M3508I moto and integrated FOC ESC. It also has 250 mN*m of torque. With linear Hall-effect sensors, closed-loop control is possible. Additional safety systems provide stability and security.


The launch paths for the S1 Blaster’s gel beads or infrared beams are designated by LED lights. The intense fighting simulation is enhanced by vivid sound effects and recoil. For enhanced safety and constraint launching rate, the laser uses non-toxic Gel Bead Projectiles.

Gimbal equipped with two motorized, axes

The FPV camera has a large field of vision due to the gimbal’s yaw/pitch range, which is 540deg-65deg. The built-in brushless motor direct-drive brushless motor, in conjunction with the IMU, allows for gimbal movements that are vibration controlled to less than 0.02deg. This results in smooth image transmission and precise control.

Intelligent Supervisory Control

Intelligent Controller makes use of a powerful CPU to provide support services such as low-latency, high-definition image transmission and AI computation. It coordinates the transmission of motorized carry out instruction signals seamlessly.

Mecanum Wheels

The DJI Robomaster wheels do not turn, but instead glide sideways. This construction is possible with the Mecanum wheels. These are a regular wheel that has a series rollers at a 45 degree angle. The wheels rotate at 45 degrees, and the rollers pull the car sideways. Each Mecanum wheel has 12 rollers and allows for precise control and omnidirectional movement. The S1’s front axle suspension provides versatility.

Armor with intelligent sensing

Six clever armor plates protect the S1 from infrared beam and gel bead hits. The new DJI Robomaster S1 comes with four powerful sensors, a real time image display and a remote control that will help you create your robot battle system. You can also control it via a mobile app that provides intuitive controls and 3 speed modes.

Programming with Scratch or Python

DJI Robomaster S1 is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to learn coding. For beginners and learners, Scratch 3.0 allows you to create well-structured commands. Advanced coders can use Python. The RoboMaster S1 provides step-by-step instructions to help beginners learn the basics of programming. It allows you to create movement and blasting patterns using the RoboMaster S1.

There are endless possibilities

Nearly 46 modifiable products allow you to be creative and help you grow your skills and learn new things. You have more options with custom accessories thanks to six PWM ports as well as one SBus port.

After pairing with Robomaster, you can move around using an on-screen joystick or view through the turret. The app has three main modes: Solo, Battle, or Lab. Solo mode lets you control S1 by itself, while Battle mode allows you to battle other S1s. In lab mode, you can play with the S1 or write programs that control it. Let’s now move on to the next section, which will show you the DJI RobomasterS1 price.

Bottom line: Why should I buy this product?

If you want your child’s success in STEM subjects, the DJI Robomaster is a must-have. This robot was specifically designed for students to learn programming and robotics. The robot is easy to use and has great instructional value. The DJI Robomaster in India will set you back Rs.58,950. This is a substantial investment for your child’s bright future.

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