curly kid in denim shirt using smartphone on pink

These handy tips will allow you to use your smartphone without compromising your privacy.

Statistics estimate that there are approximately 5 billion cell phones worldwide, with smartphones accounting for about half. This means that 2.5 billion people use smartphones to text, FaceTime, send and receive pictures and do other things with their phones. Even if your smartphone was late to the party, you most likely use it every day, collecting a lot of personal information. You may now be asking, “How can I protect my smartphone?”

These nine tips are a great way to get your smartphone protected in safe and sensible ways.

1. Passcodes are used to lock your device.

This first layer of security is not sufficient to ensure that anyone can pick up your phone and gain access to your apps and data. You can set a passcode only you know and then tap the button to enter it before you use your phone. You can set a touch ID that opens your phone in response to your fingerprint or a face ID that unlocks the phone when you are recognized by the front-facing camera.

2. Avoid suspicious links

You should always be suspicious of any link that you receive via email or text. Do not click on any link if you do not know the sender. If you don’t know the sender of the email, verify that they sent it before you click. It’s a common trick used by cybercriminals to pretend that you know the sender. Do not fall for the trap.

3. Make sure to update your software right away.

Download and install any updates that are available for your device immediately. These updates can include security patches and vulnerability patches, as well as other maintenance.

4. Use unique passwords for EVERY account online.

Avoid using any passwords more than once. Cybercriminals can get a user’s password and use it to access all of their accounts. They shouldn’t have that kind of skeleton key. Creating complex, difficult-to-crack passwords is the best practice. A password manager has the advantage of remembering all your passwords. You can also use memorable sentences and “pass phrases,” which you are likely to remember. You can write them down if you have to, but keep them off your computer.

5. Use a VPN to access Wi-Fi networks open to the public.

Open Wi-Fi is difficult to avoid. You’re busy and need to make online transactions. Let’s say you are at a coffee shop, and you decide to connect your phone to the unprotected Wi-Fi network to make a purchase or to do a bank transaction. We’ve all been there. If you find yourself in this situation, you can get a VPN application for your smartphone. You can remain anonymous online and use open Wi-Fi without being detected by cyber criminals.

6. Apps from trusted app stores can be downloaded.

Only use official app stores — Apple App Store for an iPhone/iPad and Google Play Store for an Android device. Malware developers are known to create malicious apps and then put them on third-party websites in the hope that someone will download them. The official app stores require a stricter vetting process.

7. Back up your data to the cloud.

It will save you a lot of hassle if your phone is kept safe. You can still access all your apps, data, accounts, and contacts in case it is lost or stolen.

8. Remote wiping can be enabled for your phone.

You can remotely wipe all of your data from your phone if it is stolen or lost. This extends the peace-of-mind you have from the previous step. You don’t need to worry about losing your data, as you have Tip 7’s backup. On their respective web pages, you can find out more about deleting your iPhone remotely or erasing your Android device remotely.

9. Install a security app

These tips will help you stay safe and secure. Installing a strong security app will give you full protection. Cybersecurity software works nonstop in the background making sure no unknown programs or files sneak onto the device. Avast is the global leader in security, protecting hundreds of millions of users worldwide. Install Avast mobile security for iOS or Antivirus Mobile Security for Google Android to protect your data and peace of mind.

Smartphones are fun and convenient. Safety is a key aspect of any new technology. These tips will help you enjoy today’s new tools with confidence.

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