Parent gets hit by his daughter on the swing while watching smart phone.


Numerous researchers have found that children spend a lot of time using different gadgets such as the telephone, radio, TV, stereo system, and games . Children use gadgets for many purposes, including watching videos, listening to music, chatting with friends, and browsing other websites. These activities consume most of their time, and they don’t pay much attention to their posture, screen brightness, or screen distance from their eyes, which can ultimately impact their vision and health.

Long periods of staring at an electronic screen can cause distress. Children can experience eye irritation, difficulty focusing for a time, or difficulties with their eyes. Imagine what our children must go through if they are having trouble coping with screens. We can’t keep our children or ourselves away from screens at this age. However, we can minimize the negative effects of these devices on children. It is amazing that a 2-year-old baby can use a gadget and understand how it works, much like a child learning to use a bottle. One-third of American children can use a tablet and phone without even being able to talk.

Daily Mail reported in 2013 that 29% of toddlers could use gadgets easily, while 70% were able to master them by primary school age. It’s quite amazing! The USA Centres for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the average child spends 8 hours per day looking at electronic screens. As children get older, their use of gadgets increases. Too much gadget usage can lead to long-term vision problems. Children who spend more than 8 hours a day on their gadgets have a higher chance of developing myopia. People blink less when they use electronic screens. A person blinks an average of 15 times per minute. This is due to the fact that electronic screens require a lot of attention. It can fall to as low as five times per minute. This phenomenon has attracted a lot of research. This paper discusses the positive and detrimental effects of gadgets on children.

The positive impact of gadget use

Children have better motor skills.

Motor skills refer to the ability to control small movements such as lips, fingers, and tongue. When toddlers use a tablet or other gadgets to play, their hands and fingers get a workout. This is a great exercise for children growing up. They are safer than playing outside by using modern keyboards, keypads, or other handheld devices.

They are able to use their fingers and hands better and can become more efficient at it within a short period of time.

Improved cognitive skills

Cognitive skills include the ability to process information and remember it. These skills are directly related to memory and language. Today’s technology allows for faster and more effective development of cognitive skills among children. Electronic devices can now do all the games that they used to play, including puzzles and drawing in books. Interactive apps, video games, and educational programs are all available for various devices. These products will always enhance a child’s cognitive skills. Because they are more interested than books in modern gadgets, their learning skills can be developed faster.

Distraction in children

Children love gadgets. You can leave your child with a smartphone, tablet Xbox or other handheld devices that he can use for hours or even weeks. These gadgets are safe and don’t pose any danger to the child. Don’t worry about making a mess or disturbing other people.

All of this has been changed by technology. A smartphone can be enough to keep a child entertained for hours, regardless of whether he’s playing video games or watching videos.

More fun

Kids love gadgets and can have a lot of fun with them. Children love playing with them, whether it’s a race or puzzle, candy crushes, or a first-person shooter game. They also have fun understanding simple concepts of cause and effect, reaction, and action. Children can learn more with electronic devices than they do through books and other older methods.

Teaching young people

The use of technology has been shown to be extremely beneficial in the education of students. The educational websites can be accessed by children, who can then get more information on the topic. Technology can make things easier as it gives you access to a lot of information and can help you understand things better. The internet has made education easier through visual presentations, interactive programs, and learning tutorials. Children learn the most up-to-date tools and methods on their own. Children can learn a lot from educational games. They can access online tutorials, online quizzes, and online brainstorming questions.

Competition skills

Video games are a favorite pastime of children. These games can be enjoyed with friends, family, and others around the globe. They also give them the opportunity to compete and improve their ability to manage in a competitive environment.

Negative effects of gadget use

Speech or language delay

To understand language delays in speech, we must first understand the differences between speech and language. The verbal communication between humans and animals is called speech. Language refers to all forms of communication, written and spoken, including nonverbal. A child with a language delay may not be able to pronounce words correctly but can only put two words together. A child with speech delay may struggle to understand words and phrases but might be able to use them to communicate ideas. These two issues are often referred to as speech delay or alalia. This has been the subject of many researches and theories. Researchers used a screening tool to determine that children who spend more time on their smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices are more likely to have difficulties with expressive speech. Children will learn how to communicate with others and talk. If they don’t communicate, they won’t learn how to communicate effectively. One minute your child spends on the screen is less than he could talk or learn from others. Your child’s screen time refers to the time he spends on a screen, whether it is a TV or another gadget. Screen time takes time away from a child’s ability to communicate and talk with others.

If you’re traveling with your children in a car, you can illustrate this by giving an example. As he watches his favorite TV show or plays any other game, your children are watching on the screen. You won’t interrupt your child by asking questions or talking to him, but he will likely be communicating with you if there is no gadget in his hands. Researchers used a screening device to determine that children are more likely to experience delays in expressive speech if their parents spend more time on their handheld devices. They concluded that for every 30 minutes of screen time, they were 49 percent more likely to suffer from expressive speech delay.

Study results showed that speech delays are more common in children aged six months to two years who spend more time on handheld screens, such as tablets, smartphones, and electronic games.

Attention deficits

Attention deficit: hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder. This refers to difficulties in paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling inappropriate behavior. Children can become fidgety, distracted easily, and unable to concentrate. This can lead to problems at school and at home.

Learning difficulties

Even though children learn a lot more than they do at five, toddlers are much better at understanding things. They are less likely to talk with their parents if they use gadgets. They need to spend time with their parents in order to learn new words and communicate. They are dependent on their parents and not gadgets. Exposure to these gadgets can lead to cognitive delays and impaired learning. The University of Washington researchers have found that modern gadgets do not play a role in child development.


Anxiety refers to a fear of future events or a reaction to current events. These feelings can lead to a variety of physical symptoms, such as shakiness or rapid heart rate.

Although this phase is temporary and usually harmless, children with anxiety may experience fear, shyness, and nervousness. They avoid certain people, places, and activities. When they are unable to access the internet, their child displays aggression and tense behavior. This feeling disappears when they get their devices back. This behavior is easy to spot. Dr. Graham states that children can become upset by small things and calm down when they go online. Dr. Graham said that parents shouldn’t allow children to show signs of irritation, anxiety, or agitation. Dr. Watts said that it is normal for children to be upset when they are unable to communicate online with their friends. However, if the child displays anger or depression and continues to not be online, then it’s time for them to have a conversation.

Childhood depression

Childhood Depression is a very serious medical condition that can negatively impact child behavior. Their thinking and actions. Too much gadget usage can lead to depression in children at certain ages. This can also lead to mental health issues for children in childhood and adolescence. We can often see the worst symptoms within a few days.

Negative effect on the character

This is a major problem in today’s technologically advanced world. Instead of searching for educational websites, children use the internet to view adult content. This can have a negative impact on their character. They have lost sight of their moral values. They are the future of this country. They are mentally more advanced than their age.


Protection of children from electronic screens

These are some suggestions for parents to follow when their child uses gadgets. Parents can track how much time their children spend on gadgets so they can be monitored.

Limit screen time: Tell children to limit their use of screens and not allow them to use gadgets after school is over. Limit the amount of time you spend watching TV. For school-going children, you can limit the time that small children use their gadgets to an hour per day.

Let them go outside. Encourage your children and their siblings to get outside. This will help them to communicate and interact with other children. It is better to play with animals like dogs, cats, and other children than watch animated movies. It helps with long-distance vision and reduces myopia.

Babysitters with gadgets: It is not a good idea for your child to be distracted by gadgets. Instead, keep them busy with story books, puzzles, and coloring books.

Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Children should get at least 10 hours of sleep each night. Good sleep is essential for healthy brain and eye function. Good health depends on good sleep.


Anything is good when used in a positive manner. Everything can be bad if it’s used in a negative manner. These suggestions are intended to assist parents in limiting their children’s exposure to technology. It is hard to stop them from using gadgets, but it is possible to limit their use. Encouraging your child to use the device in education or for study purposes can make a big difference in their lives. They can use it to improve their skills. It can help you to have a more productive and healthy mind. There are many studies that can be done to determine how gadgets impact children in other ways.

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